Creator: Dave Cisneros
Product: Sticky Reviews
Launch Date: Thurs Aug 22
Launch Time: 11am ET
Main Offer Price: $17
Salespage: CLICK HERE
I recently started working with a local roofer to repair his online reputation. He only had 13 Google reviews and a 2.7 star rating – OUCH!
It was a black eye on his business and he knew it was costing him sales..
Here’s the thing – most of his negative reviews were 5+ years old and he wasn’t doing anything currently to collect new reviews, I couldn’t believe it!
So I setup a system that would automate him getting new positive reviews from his customers. It took me hours to set it all up manually, little did I know Sticky Reviews could have easily done it all for me.
Let’s face it EVERY local business needs positive reviews! Not just businesses that need to cover up some bad reviews.
Having positive reviews online boosts conversion rates, that’s a fact. This is huge for us as local marketing consultants because we want our clients to convert their online traffic, right? It helps prove our worth when our clients get business from the Internet.
Another point is that Google loves positive reviews, whether it’s left on Google My Business, Yelp, or other places online, Google is definitely factoring in those ratings to their search rankings.
You should all be helping your clients manage their online reputation or at least offer it as an optional upgrade to your services if you’re not already..