Creator: Vu Binh Min (FairyDawn)
Product: Local Video Fortune 2019 Edition
Launch Date: Aug 9, 2019
Main Offer Price: $27
Salespage: Click Here
OTO/Upgrade Offer: Yes (details below)
Local Video Fortune 2019 Edition is a set of 30 lead generation videos in 10 local niches.
Niches Include: Dentist, Pediatrician, Dermatologist, Chiropractor, Roofing Contractor, HVAC Contractor, Plumbing Contractor, Bankruptcy Attorney, Personal Injury Attorney, & Senior Care.
Each niche comes with a video in 3 formats: “Commercial” videos, which are great general videos, “Explainer” videos, which answer typical questions a prospect may ask, & “Storytelling” videos which, well, tell a story.
You’re also going to get a really nice website & some promo videos that you can use to sell these videos as well. (demo here)
If you don’t already have a website, then the price of this package is worth it just for this alone..
OTO/Upgrade Offers
OTO/Upgrade 1
Local Video Fortune 2019 Extended Package – $37
This is a package of 30 videos in 10 additional niches: Pediatric Dentist, Massage Therapist, Physical Therapist, Pest, Insurance, Painting Contractor, Electrician, DUI Attorney, Carpet Cleaner, Bookkeeping.
This upgrade also includes the UK Version of all 60 videos in the main offer & OTO/Upgrade 1 offer.
OTO/Upgrade 2
Local Video Fortune 2019 Prospecting Package – $27
This upgrade includes 10 prospecting videos with US & UK voiceovers as well as Powerpoint templates for all the videos. These videos come in both whiteboard & blackboard versions and you also receive the source files as well.
OTO/Upgrade 3
Local Video Fortune 2019 Contractor Marketing Suite Mega Pack – $67
This third upgrade offer is a huge set of marketing materials for 6 popular contractor niches!
OTO/Upgrades 4 & 5 – $197-$297
These last 2 upgrade offers are for custom video creation. These are if you’re interested in having fully custom videos created for you or your clients.
This is another great set of lead-gen videos, be sure to to add them to your arsenal ASAP!